Tuesday, September 06, 2005

so where do we go from here?

First, if you are not registered to vote, please do so and then devote one hour per week to bothering your elected officials and candidates with your thoughts and ideas. If you do not vote, then shut up and take what you get. I recognize and appreciate the fact that not participating in the established process is a form of expression and I respect that. Realizing that things do not change by osmosis, or just because you have an opinion and more than a little indignation is a natural consequence of that action (or inaction, however you choose to see it). Get used to it. Realize that the war in the mideast is a fact, that we are in it and that there will be consequences for whatever course of action that we take. They may be worth it, or not, but the thing to ask your elected reps (as well as those who want to represent you) is how do they see our goal in Iraq, and what will it take to achieve it, what will it cost in terms of time, money, troops, and yes, lives, and what will it get for the average US citizen? Be sure to ask, "who is the enemy, and how will this effort undermine if not completely defeat them?".

Then there is the situation here in the U.S. Ask your politico's a few general, but probing questions about the state of the economy. A few that come to mind are:

1) what is the amount of the (federal/state/local) budget this year?
2) how much of that figure is collected in taxes, fees, etc, and how much is borrowed?
3) how much of the budget is devoted to defense, domestic, and overseas spending?
4) ask them for a short, but concise explanation of the Social Security issue. if they oblige, ask them how they see the future of the program. One needn't have a rock solid understanding of these issues to recognize when someone is hedging or simply bullshitting them. Either of those reactions will tell you a lot. Read the United States Constitution. If you make it all the way through, and are interested, there are a few good, (short), simple articles referenced on the web that explain some of the intricacies of that document. Ask yourself, how does the situation in this country, as you see it, square with the document that is the basis of all law? If it generates any questions, do not hesitate to write, call, or better yet, ask them in person to your elected leaders, (they'll be around, they are always running for something).

have a nice day.


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