Sunday, September 03, 2006

Beware of overconfidence

There is a lot of speculation on the upcoming elections, many headlines, blogs and websites have already ceded a takeover of the Congress (at least one side if not both) by the Democrats.

I hope so. I have noted on this page that real change occurs with a changing of the guard, during the tearing down of the old, but before the construction of the new same-old-sh_t. I would like to see some of that this year.

On the other hand, in the media rich environment that we live in, this could backfire. More than just a few voters get their news and opinions from the news, and not just in an uptake sort of way. To many, to see something printed in the paper (or on TV, or the internet) as an almost foregone conclusion will cause them to rebel, and vote their own noses off, just to spite the media.

Just a thought there.

My prediction (and fear) is that the Dem's will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by running on the platform that "we're not the Republicans". Can you say B_F_D_? It is high time that the party of jackasses distinguish themselves in a meaningful way from the party of the pachyderms. It won't take much, it needs to be short, coherent and rational. That's the part that scares me.


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