speaking of turkeys...
It seems that the Supreme Court is going to decide the legality of a handgun ban in the District of Columbia in the coming term. The terms of this particular case are significant as it specifically notes that it is brought by an individual not associated with a state or a state sanctioned militia who wishes to own and keep a firearm in his home for the purpose of self defense. It hits on quite a few of the hot buttons that have driven the issue for all these years. Now there is no telling how the case or the decision will play out, but I think it is a bit ironic that (1) the decision will be handed down just prior to a federal election and (2) by a largely republican appointed court. Like the joke about the texas tornado, the conspiracy theorists, (on one side of the political divide or the other) are gonna have a field day with this.
In other news, with the writers strike showing no signs of abating soon, the presidential candidates are stepping up and doing their parts to keep us entertained. This seems to be the year of the Hillary. Like her or not, she is the defining force in this election. Republicrooks are trying to be seen as the candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton, thus confering on her the mantle of some sort of liberal Democratic sainthood. Demicrooks are trying to be seen as the un-Hillary, a viable alternative to the leader without the negative baggage.
Fred Thompson is doing a pretty good job of playing himself, waiting for the annointing of his party and looking for all the world like a wet dishrag.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
I hope that you all have as much to be thankful for as I do. I have spent as much time as I can trying to put aside my prejudices and opinions and just going with the flow, (that friends, is hard enough). Sit back, relax, watch some football and think good thoughts.
I wish you all well.
That being (sincerely) said, stay focused.
Are you ready?
I don't know if I am or not, but what choice do we have?
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