Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Today's the day....

Well, today, by most account's, seems to be the day that the fate of the Democratic Party will be decided.

By this time tomorrow, one candidate will have decided to either press on, thus smothering the party in the eyes of a new generation of voters, or to gracefully back away from a long sought and cherished goal, both for herself and for a very sizable and significant constituency.

This is a historic day, and not to be wrapped in sarcasm or petty innuendo, (a couple of things that I do excel at, when I put my mind to it). In the event that I ever have grandchildren, (knocking wood here), I will remember this day and possibly reflect on how the world changed this week.

Oddly enough, the past few weeks have defined the candidate in such a way that has both emphasized the reasons why she should, and should not become president. The fact that she, (yes, I know I am pointing an identifying finger here), is still here says a lot about here tenacity and determination. Jimmy Carter did not have this particular quality, although it was supplanted by a sense of dignity and honor that worked in his favor, and was a lot more palatable with voters. This tenacity has grated on a lot of folks who, in other circumstances, would back this candidate. It seems to go against a sense of fair play and the very essential quality that suggests to ones constituency that a candidate will work for the individual rather than the suggestion that the individual may benefit more from what the candidate will do, like it or not.

This particular player would have fit right into the screenplay for The Manchurian Candidate.

Certain comments attributed to her in the past few weeks and interpreted by many as machiavellian were certainly not out of character for her. She just isn't trusted. She would be elected as the least of a couple of evils, but in a situation of real choice and possibilities, well, what does one say? When I think of this person, I think of Leona Helmsley, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, G. Gordon Liddy, J. Edgar Hoover. I don't see my well being as even showing up on their radar screens, much as it doesn't with the current administration.

How the candidates handle the next few days will tell the tale. How the party handles the candidates is just as important.

I really don't know what is going to happen, but I hope that it happens soon, so that we, the people (or victims), have time to sort it out.

See you in a couple of days.


Blogger Roy said...

I just listened to Clinton's I'm-not-done-yet speech, and Obama's I'm-the-candidate speech. She was wrong, he was right. On a selfish note, I'm just tickled at the prospect of not having to listen to the inchoherent babble of W. anymore, in favor of one of the best public speakers we have seen and heard in decades. McCain? He always sounds like he's reading from a children's book.

I'm so shallow.

7:53 PM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

in McCains defense, he is making sure he is understood by most of his neocon audience. no words with over three syllables...

right now, I really want to hear a comprehensive speech by Bob Barr, (as comprehensive as a speech by a candidate gets anyway).

thanks for dropping around.

you too Woozie. how's the Central Committee?

6:02 AM  

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