Tuesday, November 04, 2008
As I begin this post, the polls will remain open another three hours in my home town.
I picked up my daughter at college, (not that far away), and we drove to the polling place together. It was packed. It looked like chicken gumbo day down at the mission....
A it would be expected, the opinions were all over the map in the car to and from the church where we did our civic duty, and the rationale behind our respective decisions went from rock solid (mine) to, well, elsewhere.
But, like the title bar says, now we have to live with it.
The euphoria is over, now we all have to cry a little, the reality of our situation will begin to take shape. It may not be as bad as we feared. It might be worse.
By the end of the year, I am going to close this blog, and maybe start a new one, with a ne and maybe more disciplined direction. Follow the lead of some other pioneers who have matured a bit.
If you have any ideas, or want to form a circle, a sor of cyber Algonquin Round Table, let me know.
Y'all take care
Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!
Rats... I'm sad to see you go.
I traded posts with you enough to sense that you're a fair-mided fellow. I get the further sense that just like me eight years ago.. About right now you're thinking, "Oh my god.. what have I helped create ?"
Maybe someday we'll meet at a 3rd party convention, where sane conservatives and sane liberals find that they aren't all that far apart.
Good luck to you.. !
I ain't gone just yet, have not decide where to go.
Looking for a new theme. I don't know what I have "helped to create", I do know what I have helped to knock back a ways, and I am comfortable with that. In our culture there is no such thing as a surgical fix, we have the right and the left, if you will pardon the over simplification. When things swing too far in one direction or the other, one has no choice but to turn the wheel the other way for a while, and then do what you must, (apply the brakes, up or down shift, or just ride the clutch), until it is time to turn again.
The only way to do anything different it seems, is to trade it in, and we as ownersare not quite that courageous.
Check back, I will add something here if/when I open a new site, or simply redecorate here.
I'll check back for sure. I just hope there's enough of a free-market left for web-servers like this; after we've used what's left of our home-equity credit-line, just to make the mortgage payments, while also maxing out the credit cards for a new pool and some landscaping.. thinking that we can eventually pay it all back (let alone stave off foreclosure) *sigh*
Oh.. looks like we're gonna try to pick upa cheap, second home and lease another car (or two), before it all caves in.
Is it just me, or is Obama almost daring the people who've played by the rules to say ENOUGH, and stop this insanity ?
There is no good outcome to slapping another $50,000 of long-term debt on every tax-paying household.. he and the liberals HAVE to know this. It's not even subtle now, that they WANT this country to implode.
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