Friday, July 28, 2006

there is no such thing as a "precision" democracy

who in the world really believes and goes along with one party or the other in these United States? if one reads the polls, quite a few. the real question is why?

the choices that we have as voters these days, on the surface, appear dismal. (that may be because they are). I am a voter who supports one party most of the time, but I cannot honestly say that it is because they are right, most of the time. it occurs to me that there may be others whose reasoning is built a lot like my own, I support the party because it is different from the party that I don't usually support. I have no choice, I can go along with the government in power, or vote for a change in direction, and hope that in the process of dismantling one regime and building another, a few bones that I think necessary will be thrown my way.

so what about all the talk in the media of supporting one's base and what have you? what they mean is keeping the average Joe or Josephine afraid of the alternatives. In the day of the internet, cell phone and the personal computer, we have become a binary culture, the lesser of two evils.


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