it's an everyday thing
How's that for a manic-paranoid conversation starter?
I see in the news that the IRS is investigating an Episcopal Church in Pasadena, CA over a sermon delivered by a guest pastor two days prior to the election in 2004. The sermon was unequivocally opposed to the war in Iraq, and is being viewed by the IRS as an abuse by the church of its tax-exempt status. Keep in mind that the sermon endorsed no candidate or party, but attempted to put the debate over the war in the frame of its own perspective.
Apparently, that is a no-no.
Now had they talked about real important issues, such as abortion or gay marriage, (naturally, in the correct perspective), that would have been OK, as it is speech protected by the Constitution, and even encouraged by the party-in-power. Just can't talk about anything that runs counter to the parties position. Read about it here.
So much for the first amendment.
This is not new. The Clinton administration pulled some of this as well, but stopped short of attempting to pull a tax-exempt status from an organization. This is NOT an example of some monolithic Republican conspiracy, it is a demonstration of the axiom that any bureaucracy will become self-sustaining and put its own survival ahead of all other interests.
so there.
But since I am on the religion kick, I would like to point out that a faction of American Christianity appears to be trying to establish itself as a class in itself. The FOX media organization is establishing a separate division to supply media and entertainment to this sub-demographic group, possibly in the same way that it now provides 'fair & balanced' news reporting and common sense editorials, also aimed at that particular segment of the population.
Better watch out, in the same way that the iPod became the darling of personal music players, FOX could be seen as the voice of the average American. All in the marketing.
And who is this demographic? I can't really say, but the same group that FOX is pandering, eh, marketing to is also awash in a new theology of success. You can read a bit about it here.
Apparently its OK to be real well off, it is seen (once again) as a sign of God's approval. And if you are not one of those blessed successful types? Fear not, help is only a donation and/or subscription away.
We are awash in answers to questions that many of us haven't posed yet, (or, already had answered). Stay focused. Keep an open mind, these people are not wrong, but they are also not 100%, the be all and end all of right either.
Cool shit
Unfortunately I am not retired and the boss is watching
but I'll be back
PLEASE don't let FOX be my voice. I watched 'Til Death, and it phukking sucked.
make sure that FOX dos not get your viewership, and its advertisers your support. Think outside the box, always do something that is unexpected, keep the media moguls on their toes.
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