Friday, September 08, 2006

it's like a buffet table, loaded down with ..... nothing

I saw a TV commercial last night, for a gentleman who is seeking re-election to the U.S. Senate. The man was dressed in jeans and an open collared shirt, smiling (naturally), and displaying a "isn't this cool" kind of demeanor while he recited a fast paced paragraph that was supposed to sound like a list of accomplishments, but was in fact, a load of aural paper mache', (aren't you impressed that I didn't say BULLSHIT!) designed to fool the mind for the duration of the 30 second spot.

I expected no less from this candidate, whose chief credential is that he is a member of the party in power, hasn't been convicted of anything, and sends an email newsletter regularly.

This commercial highlighted the fact that the Senator was tough on internet porn and its availability to minors, (yeah, I've seen a real drop in porn-related spam, pop-ups & etc), tax relief, (robbing from the poor and as yet unborn to revieve the rich), bankruptcy reform, (a HUGE act of judicial fiat from those who would reign in the power of the court system), and energy independence, (drilling for oil in ANWR--just in time too, BP might not have had anything to spill had it not been for this guy). This guy also specifically opposed the net neutrality amendment to the telecomm act, (he benefits greatly from AT&T and Verizon). What a joke.

What depresses me is that his opponent, (who I am not crazy about, but has the dubious virtue of not being the incumbent) has yet to show up and say anything, let alone anything substantive. I am hoping that when that finally happens, (money is an issue, according to published reports, the incumbent is funded about five times what the challenger is), I hope to hear something besides the standard party line of the jackass party, but I am keeping my fingers crossed).

What is a voter to do?


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