what's new with you?
a few new developments in the past week or so, I will pontificate briefly, and leave you all to figure it all out.
The Supreme Court held, narrowly, that the second amendment does indeed permit the individual to keep and bear firearms. Judging by the comments attached to the ruling, the justices have ruled out my right to own surface-to-air missiles and a few other esoteric varieties of weaponry, down to certain popular and readily available modifications of some guns.
I don't know what to think. I stand with the second amendment, and there was a day when I would have thought that this was a common sense decision, (deep down, I still do), but I say why any restriction. If I want to own a SAM or a sawed off shotgun, who cares? If there are no ramifications to it, why does anyone care? If I were to take some action with such a piece of hardware, then some legal action might be justified, otherwise, get the hell out of my life.
Then we have George Bush.
The guy just can't let it go. Seymour Hersch reports that the US actually has troops on the ground in Iran, in reparation for an attack on that countries nuclear infrastructure.
I don't know how I feel about that notion, but I know how I feel about Bush and his cronies. I have no confidence in this administration, and frankly, this would not be happening, (and, it may not be happening, Mr Hersch is a fine reporter, but he is just a reporter and is not infallible), if there was not something in it for Bush/Cheney Corp. if a military action were to take place, it would need to be coordinated way beyond the capabilities of this administration, and would require the buy-in of much of the oil consuming world to work. The Strait of Hormuz would most likely be closed for an extended period, and a military occupation of both banks would be necessary. Think the cost of energy is high now? Be ready for a cold winter and an extended recession/depression.
And how about that Wes Clark?
There are a lot of things that can be said about John McCain and Barak Obama, but for a retired General to belittle the record of a man who spent years in a POW camp, under torture, and lived to tell about it speaks volumes about him, not McCain. General Clark needs to shut the hell up, keep in the forefront of his mind that he is no longer a mouthpiece for Hillary, and go away.
Moving right along here, according to a CNN poll, about 35% of Americans feel that a new terror attack is likely on US soil in the next several weeks, a low since the attacks in 2001.
talk about tempting fate....
I hate to say it, but the sad fact is that terror attacks are a strategic weapon, and they are likely to occur again. being strategic, rather than tactical, they will be most useful after the election cycle, they would serve to keep a new administration off balance and to keep the country from gaining any momentum in solving any of the issues that we now face. An ugly fact, but that is the way that I see it.
Ask yourself, how would either of the candidates respond to a 9/11 scale attack? It might be more relevant than you think, (or hope). Along similar lines, I see that the two (presumed) candidates actually agreed on a topic of some import this past week, amnesty for the telecoms that were involved in the illegal and, if I may be permitted to interject, fascist wiretapping that occurred and has persisted through the present administration.
Both candidates back it. Yep, even the liberal Democrat is in favor of a police state.
To hell with him.
I don't believe there are combat troops on the ground in Iraq but it's basically been confirmed there are covert operations going on there and a series of air strikes on Iran are not entierly improbable.
I don't see another terrorist attack happening soon. If their aim is to destroy America and all it 'stands for', then one attack was enough to start a domino effect which, I'll bet they hope, will be enough to do their work for them.
hi bernard:
I didn't ask, but, since you are here, I guess the pharmacy sells a lot of generic viagra, eh mate? it must, as you are a pretty big prick. fuck off.
I agree with Woozie, but actually the domino effect has already occurred with 911: The Patriot Act. Legalized bugging of telephone lines. Taking off your shoes going through security at an airport. Economy in the garbage. International dislike of America and Americans in general.
Yup I think Bin Lauden got just what he wanted. Why would anyone have to nuke us? Maybe just to put us out of our abject misery?
I think that you have hit the nail on the head there Ras', all that one need do is to keep the US off balance. Witness the price of oil right now, (and who isn't?). The price of oil is a product of the will of the suppliers and the manipulations of the marketeers. In many cases, the latter is coincident with the former. The rockets recently launched in the gulf had less to do with a military strike than with keeping the world on edge. This war, like most others, has many roots in wealth. Today it manifests itself in oil, but it could be other things. Until the west chooses to wage war on the terms that its enemies understand, we will continue to be in the position that we are in, to do that will require a bit of sacrifice, from some more than others. I don't know for sure, but I sometimes think that we have not ventured down this path because the cost for those with the most to lose, (those who have gained the most by the policies of the last quarter century) would be too much for them to bear...
Thanks for the post.
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