Monday, May 25, 2009

Just saying hello


So much for those cutesy little commercials, (not that I put a lot of stock in what I see on the telley mind you....).

I am writing this from a Mac.     One of those things that doesn't break or get virii or unpleasant things like that.     Truth is, it doesn't do a lot of things that a PC does.     But to make up for that minor disparity, it costs a lot more, so there is a bit of compensation to the whole scheme.

I haven't posted in a while, and, I see that a few of you have dropped a comment on my last post.    Thanks, I really didn't expect it.

So, what's up with anybody out there?    Are things going pretty much the way that you expected, (yeah I know, but down the drain is not an indicator of an accurate prediction...).

I have a few more things to post about, but I am getting ready to reinstall this crackerjack operating system.    Again.


Blogger Woozie said...

At least your computer is sexy!

7:16 PM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

sexy my ass.

I gotta tell ya, for all of its faults, I miss my old PC, I had it working fairly good, and it crshed just a couple of times in 10+ years. The software I had on it, which was by no stretch of the imagination state of the art, did more than what I can do with the Mac.

oh well, I am going to install my XP disc on bootcamp and try to use some of the old stuff on the newer processor....

thanks for coming back around.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're back.. things are getting interesting..

As for Macs ? They're.. umm.. kinda like government... Slow, over-priced, but claim they will make things easier for you ...

4:47 AM  

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