Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How far can this go?

OK, this has me thinking.

Politically, we are in the perfect storm.  

People really could not give a rat's ass about what Congress or the President do or talk about doing because it amounts to squat, (aside from the value it has for FOX News, who could turn squirrel shit into a major threat by liberals against the lives or normal Americans).

But right now, we have people worried about the economy that appears to be controlled by agencies out of the reach of almost everybody, a government dedicated to keeping it that way, and doing nothing to promote the general welfare, and now, taking at least some of the symbolism that makes many people think there is hope.

Guns and sex.

And I am not being a smart ass here.

I am a gun owner and I screw from time to time and I am concerned.     There are a lot of things that dictate the circumstances of my life, very few that I control completely, and these are among the few that offer me any reassurance that I am not a complete prol with no significance at all.