Is it worth it?
I haven't had a lot to say for about six months now. A lot has happened in that time. The government hobbles on, despite the efforts of some to stop it at all costs, and others to push it towards some abstract vision that may not conform to the realities of ordinary people, but looks good on paper (or PC screens, as the case may be).
As I write, a federal default is about six hours away. Frankly, I couldn't care any less, but the truth is, the credibility of the nation in the eyes of the world, (the same world that we want to pay attention in other situations), rides on this day. I am somewhat chapped right now that the Senate and House are delaying a vote on the so-called "compromise" until later tonight. (I give it an even chance of passing, even now).
Maybe more on this later.
I believe that it is time to amend the Constitution to better define the responsibilities of government, cement certain rights in an age not envisioned 240 years ago and to give the government a little guidance.
Not too many people read this missive, three that I know of and my absence might have thinned that down a bit.
If you have any ideas on a likely amendment proposal, post em in a comment. Try not to be too concrete, the Constitution has lasted this long because of the political U-Joints built into it.
Go get em.
If we find ourselves in a time when the Constitution has been outgrown, or exposed as flawed..It already has amendment mechanisms in place.
We've been allowing politicians (holding very temporary power), to seriously alter the country's direction. No more legislating by one man's "executive" pen.. No more de-facto amending by a court bound only to interpret.. No more massive, societal-altering legislation by "budget reconcilliation"
This blog is now closed, as Blogspot has locked me out for good.
I have considered a new posting spot and will put the address in this comment box when I do.
Happy Trails!
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