If it does, well then shit!
My bud Woozie has tagged me with the Thinking Blogger thingy, with the charge that I tag an additional 5 bloggers. I might, or I might not. There are no additional requirements here, and this thing seems to be spreading across the 'net like a cancer. (Two of my potential nominee's have already been tagged...).
So, without (much) further ado, I nominate these five bloggers for the honor that has been afforded here:
Enemy of the Republic
These are five bloggers whose ideas I respect, (but don't always agree with), and whose pages are usually worth the mouse-click.
Forgive me friends, I am just sharing the joy here.
Now, on a similar note, while I was working this out, the thought occurred to me that the somewhat liberal requirements of this meme might lend itself to something a bit different, a concept that I have dubbed meme grenade.
I have selected, at random, the following blogs, (I googled variations of +blogger +index), with whom I have had no prior contact:
this one looks like it might be fun to look in on from time to time, right on the mark
Sanctum Sanctorum
appears to be a bit of a biting wit
Mighty Blog
this person sports a logo that caught my attention right away. he/she also writes on topics of extreme social relevance. (I confess that I have seen this alias, but not the blog, elsewhere). kudos!
Bufford the Wonder Dog
appears to address issues of some significance to those of us who are the fodder for the actions of corporate stooges...
The Melancholy Lumberjack (Melan'jack)
commentary on the day to day observations of a member of the business oligopoly
There. The meme grenade. Try em, and tell em that The Eccentric Recluse sent you.
You are the second person who's tagged me with this, but she didn't call it a tag. Wow, I am honored. What don't you agree with on my blog? That's fine; I love debate or simply agreeing to disagree.
actually Enemy, the disagree portion of my diatribe was not aimed at you. I believe that I perceive some things differently, (and therefore express them differently), but I think that our thoughts are usually in remarkable alignment...
thanks for stopping in, sorry to put this on you a second time.
Nice music.
so..do I need to just tag 5 people I think have "thinking blogs" or do I have to list 5 thinking blogs...or what..
(leelee taking a seat on the couch of confusion)
Ayman: thanks, haven't seen you around for a while!
Leelee: the method that I finally decided on was to actually tag five bloggers, (with a comment on their respective pages), and then throw out, for your consideration, five blogs that made an impression on recent visits.
so there.
Indeed, my topics are of extreme social relevance. In fact, my blog is so socially relevant, I have recently caught a social disease. Got any penicillin??
So many people have been tagged already that you're having to outsource! Lol. Those blogs sound interesting though. I must go check them out.
Dyckerson, quit bogarting all the antibiotics!
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