Tuesday, May 15, 2007

vaya con dios

Last week, Roy signed out of the blogsphere for what I hope will be a rather short hiatus. His comments, for those of you who haven't visited his site, were a like a slice of a well-lived life, the joys and frustrations that affect all of us.

Roy, if you see this, you remind us that life is lived in the micro and not in the macro or mega.

Come back soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roy was a good guy, always ready with a pithy statement and a good story. He loved playing guitar, taking pictures, and long walks along the beach. He left us much too soon, and will be missed.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Roy said...

He was a helluva guy.

6:25 PM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

yeah but he owed me money....

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Steven Raynor said...

He was a helluva guy.

7:01 AM  

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