Sunday, March 25, 2007

looking in the mirror

and not liking what I see.

Today, while scanning the news, (that mainly covers middle eastern issues), the thought occurred to me that I tend to dislike the state of Iran and, in an impersonal sort of way, its people. Nothing really wrong with that, as I tend to dislike everybody, but at this point in time, this particular ethnicity seems to stand out, and I devoted a few seconds to the question of why?

Then it occurred to me that out of all the nation/states in the world, Iran is a lot like us. They have one of the most powerful economies in the world, (owing to the abundant supply of light sweet crude deposited there), they have a fairly diverse population that encompasses quite a few 'haves' and 'have-nots', they present themselves to the world as something of an inflamed sphincter bent on having their way and they have a hemorrhoid for a national leader.

Aside from the abundant crude, a lot of people see us in those terms.

For the most part, those who criticize the US or Iran are inconsequential, their voices are heard because we are liberal enough not to smash them to bits, or their opinions tend to justify someone elses, but we, the Americans seem to feel about the Iranians pretty much the same way that they feel about us. We are belligerent towards each other and seem to be bent on being the top dog in the region, (if not the whole world).

OK, so what?

For either of you that hasn't seen the news in the last year or so, the UN is having a bit of a tiff with Iran over its nuclear weapons program. The UN has a perfectly legitimate right to tackle this issue, but the Iranians like to frame it as another swipe by the US, (using its lapdog, the UN - a notion that would be laughable under any other circumstances), towards the Islamic Republic. The US, on the other hand, has a credibility problem, domestically and abroad, when it cites Iran for anything, and the present administration likes to blame Iran for many, many things. Some of these claims may be on the up and up, but who can tell? As the UN attempts to stare down the Iranian government, the Iranians have done something that they excel at, taking hostages. Fifteen British sailors and marines are now being held in Iran, accused of wantonly violating Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf.


What happens next is anyones guess, but it is my view that one side or the other will have to back down in some way that gives the other bunch of crybabies something to crow about while tensions are allowed to deescalate, a little like the missile crisis of 1962. It is hard to say who is right or wrong on the territorial waters business, I tend to think that the Brits were within their rights to be where they were, but I really don't know for sure.

What needs to be done now is for the most mature of the parties to craft a solution that will allow the other side to crow a little while things cool down. I just don't know which side is the mature one...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm trying to picture the average Iranian, in a climate-controlled abode; ready, fast i-net access and enough leisure time to not only blog, but to conjure up these kind of bizarre similarites twixt our two countries and more insanely; our two economies (and not have to worry about the state-police knocking on his door).

I know it's a tired indictment, but seriously... you need to live outside of this country for a while. Your spoiled, can't see the forest for the trees, mal-content, focus on the negative about "our" country, mind-set, is pathetic and tiresome. It can't even be labeled as, "rightful protest for the good of the country". It's transparent, self-righteous boredom...

We got a serious, several deacade battle ahead of us... and the luxurious, free, peace-of-mind existence we (obviously) take for granted is at stake. This country needs to start showing a patriotic, unified front to these Islamo-whack-jobs... soon.. or settling our internal, political differences won't matter, at all.

"My brother and I don't agree on anything, but show us a nasty neighbor, threatening our home and way of life and we become one"...

9:46 AM  
Blogger Woozie said...

Neither side. Britain's going to act a fool, Iran's going to kill the sailors, Ahmenij-whatever's going to deny involvement, Britain's going to attack Iran, U.S. joins in, they all kill each other, all three parties come out of the thing in a couple of years with irreparable damage especially the U.S., I move to Canada.

7:51 PM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...


I suppose that neither of us can get a realistic handle on the "average Iranian", but, with the exception of my intro, I don't believe that I mentioned the average Iranian. If my prose was imprecise, I apologize.
My comparison was between the posturing posed by that government and that posed by my government.

On the issue of transparent, self-righteous boredom, well, all I can say is thanks for the critique. Truth is, you are right to a small extent, however, I respectfully think that you are full of shit.

Malcontent? How exactly does one define that term if not in absolutes? If he/she doesn't agree with me, his/her opinion has no validity?

Focus on the negative? Yes, you do have a point, but we have Fox News and a whole passel of government talking heads to be cheerleaders, and it is fairly pointless to discuss and/or debate things that one does not want to see changed.

Cannot be labelled "rightful protest..."? Why label it at all? It is just one guys opinion. Like yours.

We got a serious, several deacade battle ahead of us ... . I quite agree, but I am not, repeat, NOT, willing to let the presence of a competitive force in the world, (truth is, there are several--this one is
just real visible at this point in history), give our or any other
government a free pass on all manner of fronts and issues in the name of patriotism. Just for the record, my opinions mainly tend to go
towards the operational, rather than the philosophical/motivational aspects
of our governments actions---I think that in too may instances, they come off as dorks lacking in finesse, ideas and communications skills. I, like you and most everyone in the country has a deep vested interest in how this
progresses and plays out---please don't think that I or people who may seem to be like me are ignorant of that---but I am willing to take stands on
issues small and large that I believe will shape the end result.

I don't know how to defend what might be seen as an awareness of my own self interest. It is my perceiption that most every individual, corporate, or government body on any side of these events is looking out for itself. If you condemn me for a lack of altruism, then, I hope you
have a big match, as you will be condemning most of the world.

This country needs to start showing a patriotic, unified front to these Islamo-whack-jobs.... I agree with that too, and it is my intention anyway, that my arguments and views might lead to, or at least
suggest, a nation that is better prepared to present that front.

Thanks for writing, I appreciate your candor.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous, Say that our blogger, ER, is spoiled, seems to always write about the negative about "our" country??? So tell me honestly, what do you think of our President Bush? Do you think he's helped in AN material way. Global War and where is the shared sacrifice he should be asking Americans for?

True story.....the day after the 06 mid-terms Bush held a presser and was asked how he could possibly work with the Dems after he and his VP and supporters have been out calling Dems terrorist sympatizers. "Oh that's just politics" Bush says.

A lot is wrong in "our" country and calling a spade a spade doesn't mean you can't still love America and want the best for the country and it's citizens.


9:30 AM  

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