Monday, September 11, 2006


Well, we have been through the anniversary now, and have seen the politicization, the polarizing commentary, and, thankfully, those editorialists who seek to find the common ground among us and build on it.

I am glad that Sept 11th has come and past. I grieve for the lost, and offer my sincere condolences to those families who have lost a loved one, on that day, or those days before or after 9/11.

What did you think of the days observations?

As far as I can tell, ABC's much discussed docu-drama came in second behind the NFL. I don't know what to make of that, whether we are moving on, exercising rational discrimination towards a slightly skewed version of a still-ongoing news story, or are simply burned out--overloaded with factoids and information bits and bites, but very little hard news. People naturally gravitate towards ideologies in times of uncertainty, and the barrage of information that we get day in and day out certainly creates an enormous sense of uncertainty. Who and what does one believe?

I happened across this blog and this article while taking my evening stroll through the blogsphere. Talk about uncertainty! I think that a lack of communications skills may be at the heart of a lot of what I am talking about here, (but it is hard to communicate while talking out of both sides of the mouth...). First we are not at war, and need to go about our normal lives, then, we are at war, and need to stay the course.

I feel slightly empty right now, in terms of any more things to say, so I will simply call on all voters, (either of you reading this), to get out and hold your candidates to account. Formulate two short but direct questions, (a primary and a backup). Ask or email your candidates, and see what they say. Those fit to lead will offer a factual answer in a paragraph or less.

Stay focused.

I may consider certain requests for background tunes in coming days. Get em lined up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know the music sounds sweet on the 1/2" speaker on my computer at work.


6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. I got the headphones on now. I have the volume just barely cracked open for fear it will liquify my brain. (Not recommended)
Anyway, the sound quality is not too bad...


6:28 AM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

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10:47 AM  

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