Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Like we need this too...

Well, John Kerry just cannot keep his mouth shut. Somebody ought to tell him that he falls someplace just below Joe Lieberman on the list of the most popular Democrat's. Some news sources noted that he is 'considering' another run for the Presidency in 2008. Really? So am I. And I'll bet that I have just as much backing, if not more, than he does.

The Senator reportedly has apologized for whatever remark he made, which by most accounts was attributed to a bad joke. OK, is that bad as in 'not funny' or bad as in inappropriate? Or both? At least he showed the grace and the presence of mind to apologize, thus relieving the press of making this another phony issue.

Senator Kerry is a capable man that has served the party for a long time, but he is no Bill Clinton. In his basic profile, he has a lot in common with the former President, but he lacks that certain trait sometimes called personality. Bill had a teflon coating of sorts, not unlike Reagan's. Senator Kerry comes off as a dork. Next to Kerry, Al Gore is Mr. Charisma. Fair or not, he will always be thought of as the guy who couldn't beat G.W. Bush.

Please Senator, your time has passed. Become an elder statesman and serve your country in that very important role. Discretion here, is the better part of political valor. You are the Dan Quayle of the Democratic party. Keep your job, make some points here and there, build up a little seniority as well as a few extra campaign dollars that you can take with you when you go, and keep your mouth shut.

On another note, here is a dandy commercial from the state of Connecticutt.

Stay focused.


Blogger Nicole said...

Feel free to comment, I will feel free to bleep 'em out if I think it necessary.

question...why...if you dont agree, or if you find it offensive...

ps. so how on Earth did you find my blog....I came here because you commented on mine...not because I hit the next blog button...I actually have never done that.

6:06 AM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

I bleep only those comments that are unrelated to anything, (ads), or are simply solicitations for some product or content, (usually sexually oriented--I leave it if it is funny).

Thanks for coming by, hope you will return!

7:01 AM  
Blogger Woozie said...

Obama or Clinton in '08, definitely one of those two. Kerry has no chance in hell.

And I was watching the Daily Show last night and they had a 'mixtape' of Kerry's botched jokes and one of them was
"Hickory Dickory Dock, The Woman Fellated My Penis." Is it any coincidence that the word verification was "cre(a)my"?

12:29 PM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

I think that it might be Al Gore. I don't know why, and I am aware that he hasn't expressed an interest in running, but that is what sets him apart from everybody else at DNC HQ, (even the janitor, Howard Dean).

3:37 PM  
Blogger ThomP said...

I think Kerry was actually just making a point by telling the truth. Which goes to show he knows nothing about American politics. He then tried to fix it by saying it was a joke. Which shows he knows nothing about humor. What does he know? This man is destined to ba an internet resource someday...

5:27 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Yeah, Kerry is damn hard to like. Poor guy... guess he got picked on a lot as a kid. get funny sexually oriented spam? That's hilarious. How do you get on their mailing list, looking at funny porn? :D

12:41 AM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

I get comments from folks wanting to trade links. Now I have nothing at all against the practice, and try to be accomodating, but I just feel like I have to draw the line someplace, and a blogsite full of people in poses that I would not dare try seems a good place to start.

For the most part, I don't censor comments or content, just let it speak for itself.

7:01 AM  
Blogger sammyray said...

God the song on your site today sucks.

So does Kerry. He looks like one of those aliens from "V", and I keep expecting him to unhinge his jaw and start devouring people.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

The only things i delete are spam or really rude, ignorant stuff. I guess if i got some really nasty pictures i'd get rid of those too.

I don't exchange links. Seems meaningless to indiscriminately post everybody's links. I don't ask anyone to give me a link, and i only post links (in the sidebar) that i like a lot and read myself. I try to help out the new bloggers and young people when i see potenial, too.

"...people in poses i would not dare try"
LOL - yeah, i don't believe sex should be a competitive sport, just some no-pressure enjoyment. :)

11:51 AM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

sorry about the song, I just hadn't played it in a while and the title sorta fit.

I will try for something new later on.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Oh crap! Sorry, I thought your name was in my sidebar because i totally like your blog! I gotta put it in there next time i'm at a real computer. I don't think i can do it from my phone. No offense was intended.

3:02 PM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

none was taken. I thought you made a graceful stand on a significant point.

(but go ahead and link me!).

3:43 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Thank you. I will link you (i thought i had already) not to be polite but because you write really good stuff that people should see. :)

5:58 PM  

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