I took the opportunity to stop today at the local Apple Store, to peruse the offerings on display. Those folks sure are proud and sure of themselves, and the product. I asked a few questions to a couple of the reps's, and while the answers were not contradictory, they really weren't answers to my questions, just the standard party line.
Does anybody out there know if documents created on say Apple Works are compatible with MS Word, (used by about 99% of the planet)? How about spreadsheets? Are they compatible with Excel?
I made inquiries on a couple of software titles, and was advised that no, they had not yet been reissued in an Intel compiled format, but the existing versions would run via an (included) emulator. Does anyone have any experience with running apps compiled for the PowerPC platform on an Intel machine? How do they run, in terms of speed, time needed to start the program and open a file, etc? For that matter, how does Microsoft Office for the Mac run? Does anyone know if there is an Mac/Intel-specific version of that package available? Finally, (and this is a biggie), I am looking for a nice audio processing platform. On the PC I have copies of SoundForge and Adobe Audition. Is there anything comparable for the Mac?
What I learned on my visit is that the MacIntosh platform is, you know, cool. I don't know if it will do a lot of the things that I use my Dell for, but it is definately cool. Cool people have them. Cool things are done with them, (and I am so anxious to share my photo's with the world too !!!!!!!!). It is entirely possible that, for me to be, you know, cool, I may be required to purchase a Mac. I wish they would do something with that shade of embalmed white though...
Who did this song? It's addictive.
Ooh ooh! [raising hand wildly] I own a Mac with an Intel processor! A whiter shade of pale!
But - [turning a redder shade of blush] - I don't know much about computers...
However - the Hubby does. I'll ask him in the morning...
Any given task can be done faster and for less money with a PC.. and if you build your own, a LOT less money and a lot faster.
However, for the non-gamer (I'm a pilot/instructor and rely heavily on a PC based sim for training.. there isn't a Mac with enough power/speed to run the latest version, even if there was a Mac version)and casual computer user, Macs are a good way to go, albeit over-priced. And yes, all the MS documents can be created and edited on a newer Mac.
I'd suggest doing some homework; be willing to get your hands (and brain) a little dirty and build a PC.
If you truly are a, "point/click, don't make me think about what's happening so long as it works" kinda guy... Mac, all the way.
bc~, I am able to build a PC, the issue for the new machine is fitting into an educational environment built areound the mac platform. There are some things that the mac handles a bit better, (or, more correctly, that the mac software handles a bit better). Some things maybe not, but getting a straight answer from the Apple folks, so far, has been problematic.
Paul Revere & the Raiders, circa
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