Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm back

And simply rarin' to go, having been away from most things civilized for the past three days.

I have much to say, but haven't sorted it out just yet, and may not. Time moves on you know...

The President addressed the nation last tuesday evening, and I confess that I missed much of his speech, but did tune in in time to hear the various talking heads and the rebuttal, eh, response by the Democratic party spokesperson, Jim Webb. (Didn't he used to write songs for Glen Campbell?).

From what I gathered from the tube, and the newspaper articles that followed, it was pretty much what I expected. The displacement of a perfectly good episode of "Deal or No Deal".

In the news this week there has been a lot of hot air flying out of the Captitol building, much of it uttered by Democrats who now are trying to lay the groundwork for explaining why they were not able to stop the President from escalating the conflict in Iraq. In the next ten days or so, we will hear or read about a few resolutions, mainly in the Senate, that are floated as trial balloons, to see which, if any, capture the imagination of the public or at least sound good as a bite on the evening news. Pay little attention to them. Chances are this conflict will end just after Jan 20, 2009.

I will confess that i was a bit intrigued by the notion that there shgould be a special civilian agency that works with peoples, such as the Iraqi's, or who knows what others, in the worlds trouble spots. I confess that I haven't quite thought this through, but I have to compare it to the notion of the "faith-based initiative", where churches and private charities step up and do some of those things that we paid through the nose for already...

So, how have you all been? I see that Roy is on a fashion bender, and Anne has changed the name of her blog, (see the sidebar here, I am up with this stuff...), LeeLee has established for herself a new, somewhat aristocratic sounding title, and Woozie is having some trouble with a classmate that sheds something or other, and the image of Jimi Hendrix is being exploited by a sports/energy drink. Woozie thats the way things go. Depending on the outcome of certain things, we might see Bill Clinton hawking Viagra in a couple of years. Imagine that Bill Clinton sneaky smile, as if he was saying, "I have a pill here, who's next?"...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back. I wonder if anyone felt it was odd that not one mention of New Orleans was made in the SOTU. So much for the great Compassionate Consevative(tm) How many more billions will head to the Middle East for a democracy for the unwilling?


3:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks JB. New Orleans has run its course, its political purpose was to show some action by the administration, and a willingness to expend some of the treasury to help those who need it most, (the business owners and campaign contributors of the area). All over until the next time...

5:25 AM  
Blogger leelee said...

Welcome Back E_R thanks for the link my friend...and great song choice..


6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the mention. LOL at Bill Clinton's Viagra ad. I didn't see the State Of The Union Address - couldn't stomach it.

3:29 PM  

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