Friday, December 15, 2006

Here is something to chew on

For political junkies, (and we are), two years is a long time between fixes. Thus we have the drama of the possibility that the Senate may change hands, ( I think it is a longshot----the story seems to be more from the newsroom than from the hospital room ), owing to the illness of Sen Tim Johnson, as well as the many little drama's that we have been and will be exposed to over the weeks until the next election cycle begins.

So, here is something to think about.

The LA Times, (yep, them again), reports that according to polling data, Sen John McCain would woop Sen Hillary Clinton if they went head-to-head in a Presidential race. Not a good thing to think about, but it makes me wonder if Sen Clinton is really running for the office, or merely positioning herself as the Democrat to go to when you need help. She has to know where she stands among the American people. The Democratic base loves her, the Republican base hates her, and the other 60% of the population are a HUGE wildcard. In setting herself up for a run, she positions herself to be the kingmaker, (or queen, as the case may be), and that may be her objective. In a Democratic Congress, (if it can be held), she may wield a lot more influence and power than she would from the Oval Office, having a strong say in all legislation, the makeup of the federal judiciary, as well as being a strongly felt presence in the Pentagon and the White House situation room(s).

Read the article. I realize that all this is conjecture, based on a poll, and, as Mark Twain noted, "there are lies, damn lies, and statistics", but polling data is what fuels the DC engines in lean times, and what gives one candidate 'momentum' while chaining others down.

The race for the White House will be interesting, entertaining and frustrating all at once. The outcome of that election will be significant for the way that candidates are vetted and selected as much as anything else.

Stay tuned. Stay focused.


Blogger Woozie said...


4:21 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

I'm as Democratic as the next person, but I can't stand, don't trust Hillary Clinton. Nothing I can prove, but she seems secretly evil to me, even moreso than most other politicians.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Woozie said...

Yeah she really does seem kinda evil. Something's off about her.

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is "evil"?? What is this, the Salem Witch Trials?

10:03 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

That's it, something's "off" about her. If you're going to look for evil, politicians are a good place to start. But honestly I'm not looking for evil, just have a bad feeling. The evil's on a tight rein now. You won't see it until the unlikely event of her 2nd Presidential term, when she has nothing to lose.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Pud said...

Here is "Predictions According to Pud": Hilary Clinton will not run for President but will run as a Vice President under someone else. That someone else will win and "mysteriously" die within the first year of office, thus thrusting Hilary into the Oval Office.

12:38 AM  
Blogger Roy said...

I agree, there is something intangibly not right about Hillary as President. Just chiming in.

Her, and Barack Obama, smell just a little bit too much like the rainbow coalition the Democrats had awhile back. Too gimmicky.

It would be refreshing to have a literate, well-spoken President once again, though. I would vote for Obama. As a man, though; not as a black man. I don't think he'll run. We need a leader now, real bad, but I would settle for a good man.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Yeah, what Pud said.

I don't have a problem with a woman as President, just THAT woman as President. I know Condoleeza Rice isn't popular with everyone, but I would like her for President. She seems more straight-forward, less smoke 'n' mirrors than a lot of politicians, especially Hillary.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH Anne!! You mean the Condi of "we couldn't have foreseen.." or "mushroom cloud" fame. Talk about smoke and mirrors.

So far I've liked what I've heard from John Edwards. And I really like that his wife isn't a Stepford wife, apperently husband and wife come as a package.


12:29 PM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

Yeah, that Condi. When you work for a President, there is a certain amount of BS that goes along with it, including having to 'sell' his/her views. That being said, I don't think I would vote for her, as she has little experience with the issues that need addressing, and would be beholden to the 'ones that brought her'.

Hillary gives me the same uneasy feeling that seems to have been expressed here, I don't know if the term evil applies, but she does not come off as the genuine article. For me, it seems to be a character thing, but I can't really pin it down.

Were she to be the candidate, I would probably back her just to keep the issues that are her hallmark on the front burner, thus dragging the whole election thing to the left a little bit, then vote for the one I thought most qualified, (or least harmful), perhaps a libertarian or other independent.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Vengelyne said...

Politics is always a very good topic to discuss. People will never have anything short to say. =) I don't really know American politics, so I'll... um... just shut it... =D

12:16 AM  
Blogger eccentric recluse said...

Thanks for stopping by anyway. Don't feel left out though, politics is just something that we all seem to stumble through, at times there seems to be no rhyme or reason for what happens.

6:26 AM  
Blogger mika said...

hmmm, i feel you venge, im also very bad with politics.

codoleeza rice scares me. i feel that her hair wants to jump off her head and attack me....

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the music I hear today? I can't identify. Knofler??


8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mika--now there is as apt a political analysis as there is.

Roy--Knopfler is correct. 'Wag the Dog' soundtrack.

9:31 AM  

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