Thursday, January 04, 2007

the end of the beginning

Well, we have a new Congress, and an old president eager to work with them to hose up those things he hasn't yet hosed, and to lock in the hosings that he has accomplished to date. In other words, this is going to be either a boring two years, with lots of heated rhetoric and little action, or it will be a real entertaining two years, with lots of heated rhetoric and little action.

The President wants to balance the budget by 2012. Really? Wow, would that ever be an achievement, to restore what we had when he stumbled in....

The balanced budget is nothing more than a poison pill. It will cause little pain or distress before the election, thus giving his cronies something to brag about, but will cause the next administration, (presumably a democratic one), much grief as they will have no money to work with while they attempt to fix the inequities and special-interest advantages wrought by the GWBush administration.

Oh well, this is really not new, it is politics as usual, albeit raised to an extreme power by the current bunch of thugs.

Which brings me to the new Congress.

I wonder what they will really accomplish? I expect a few largely symbolic items to pass very quickly, but I ask, how will I benefit from the new legislative regime? As a voter, I need to be impressed fairly quickly, and then stay impressed. I have low expectations on this.

I will ask you, my friends, peers and fellow bloggers, what do you want to see from this Congress? List as many things as you like, but try to be realistic, and prioritize if you can.
Maybe we can send this post and whatever comments get attached to our various representatives for their consideration. Or not.

Go on, I dare ya!

Stay focused.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wishes from the new Congress
1. Investigate, investigate, investigate(I am really curious how money was spent in Iraq and Gulf coast relief
2. raise the minimum wage(it's been far too long, beside it will piss off the maximum number of Republicans)
3. Find a good way to get the remaining Republicans to just STFU(I've heard enough bullsh*t to last a lifetime)


2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to see two, new, simple rules passed.

Bills cannot be "considered read". They MUST be read in their entirety, on the floor (like they're supposed to be). This would cut down on the pork and earmarking. If one of those nuts wants to slip something in, they'll be forced to introduce it on its own merit

A member may not vote unless they attend the entire debate. This would keep the debates civil and efficient and factual (and make fillubustering a true, last resort).

7:16 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

1. I would like our elected officials to pay more attention to what the people want, and not have selfish agendas... but that's probably too much to ask.
2. Respect our civil rights and stop trying to slowly whittle them away.
3. Stop wasting money.
4. Help veterans and homeless more.
5. Make sure our people are taken care of before we spend money on other countries.
6. Stop helping countries that are likely to stab us in the back.

10:59 PM  

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