Saturday, August 28, 2010
Today, there are two rallies in Washington, DC, one being led by Glenn Beck, at the Lincoln Memorial, and the other, by the Rev Al Sharpton, at the site of the (planned) Martin Luther King Memorial.
By now, you have read about them, and have an opinion, you don't need mine too.
By the time you finish this and see the news, there will be another hundred or so posts or articles covering the events of the day. So what?
What most of them miss is that they bring nothing new to the table. They are like a pair of ill-natured dogs fighting over the last scrap of meat on a soup bone.
They are, in many ways, representative of the state of American politics and industry today. They bring nothing new, but latch onto existing ideas or products, and draw off the lifeblood of the industry.
Glenn Beck restoring honor? C'mon.......
Al Sharpton defending the legacy of the Civil Rights movement? Where's your wallet?
We have become a nation that takes a piece of the action, politically and socially, industrially, financially and sometimes even militarily, (altho when we should settle for that option, we tend to plunge all in...).
If somebody wants to restore honor, we need some new ideas.
I was invited to the Glenn Beck rally by a former student. He said that I was the only person he knew that would be interested in such a thing. I had heard of Glenn Beck, but I had never watched or listened to him, so I had no idea of his philosophy. But when I found out that Sarah Palin was going to speak, I knew it couldn't be good.
I share some of Beck's ideas along with Sharpton's. If I had to make a choice about personal integrity, I'd go with Sharpton, and that is with great unease. I hate the Tea Party movement because it was taken over by the Republicans who helped authorize the bailout, and now they are pretending it was all Obama's fault. Obama was instrumental in the bailout, so he doesn't get off the hook, but so was John McCain.
I had great hopes (now I hate that word) for Obama. Now I think the Dems get what they deserve. But it is hard to accept that we may be ass deep in Republicans again. America has turned into the idiot state.
As a member of the Tea Party, I can say with certainty that nobody has, "taken us over". For one, we're not monolithic enough for even single-minded enlistment and a coherent message; let alone a single party merger. I'd say that we have our own version of up/down wings along a Libertairian line that's almost perpenticular to a Repub/Dem, left/right line. It surely crosses on the conservative side of that line, but is more moderate than predjudice can see.
If anything, the Rebubs are trying to hitch themselves to US... and they've found that it's the proverbial, cat-herding.
As for Beck ? He's taken on the progressive machine.. head-to-head, gloves dropped, without blinking, and has beaten them soundly. The attempts to marginalize him (via malice or ignorance) fall harmlessly. His radio/TV/publishing/speaking audience is too huge, and too loyal to be written off as a daft fringe. His message today, to nearly 1/2 million live attendees, was honest and simple. America has gotten lazy and complacent.. we need to work hard, and focus on what's good... restore honor. That's hard to disagree with, I'd say.
When you are right, you are right. But I wouldn't categorize Beck's audience as loyal, but similar in many ways to the folks that voted for Obama for a similar reason.
He's not the President. I will repeat my assertion that folks didn't vote for Obama as vote against the other options and against a sitting administration. With the Beck sideshow, it is the best thing on, but offers little substance, a lot like many other evangelists of all stripes preaching whatever. As for his style, he is bold when he is in his own tent. he is easy to agree with when he puts forth his own suppositions, which are some basic truths mixed with innuendo and some pretty outrageous assumptions. If they were true facts, he would win hands down and Jesus would live next door to him and have him do his shrubbery, but they aren't true and the big guy ain't next door.
And now that I have said it, I don't know what to make of the religion aspect. I respect anyones sincere convictions, but I think that this may ultimately backfire. Sooner or later, (and I see the foundation being set), some joker is going to attempt to rewrite the bible to reflect his or her platform. As of today, even money that Beck has distribution rights for the book and/or movie...
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