Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Today's the Day!

Tomorrow we go back to the usual collection of crappy commercials, then the pre-Christmas blitz.

It appears that the last comment on the previous post either disappeared or didn't take altogether. Too bad, it was genius, and would have changed civilization forever.
So, I wonder what the headlines tomorrow will have to say? Probably something about a new reality show......

see ya'll later


Anonymous RweTHEREyet said...

Not the raw numbers of 1994.. but the "quality" of the political shift was probably the most significant, non-violent power swap in world history (when normalized for the elapsed time).

Funny though, was the liberals' take on the Tea Party's role in it all. Leading up to the election, they were painted as aimless, ignorant racists ... post election they're labeled, as well-funded, corporate pawns.

Having finally, actually joined the movement beyond spirit; I find both characterizations humorous.

Either way, the party's strength grows by its opposition's ignorance.

This year was peanuts.. wait until 2012.

4:55 PM  

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