Saturday, December 11, 2010
well, since my last post, I have made a trip to the golden state, and seen things spoken of, but not (until now) seen. many, I could have lived without, but I was impressed with this:
and this:
all the while, I have noted much smirking and pontificating and gloating on the political scene, but no evidence of any earth shattering change in the way that things go, the only rumble coming from the D.C. area seems to be one party being pushed out of the way at the head of the line at the pork barrel in favor of the other party.
so I come home, to find that it is time for the annual consumer fest/populist stimulus package, so, I had a little chat with the wife....
That canyon photo is spectacular...
Yeah.. that historic election hasn't yielding anything.. other than EVERYone is upset. The hard-left is in fits over Obama's reaction to it (actually negotiating with Repubs.. as opposed to walking out of a room mumbling that elections have meaning).. And the hard right is already bitching that the Repubs didn't get the message..
I say we wait until the actual power shifts hands.. then at least we'll all have reasoning to back the outrage.
hubs and I went to the GC last was as spectacular as anticipated...Vegas wasn't bad either ;-) lots of fun..hope you are well!!
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