Monday, May 02, 2011

old news, but still....

It has been said that if you can't say anything good about the dead, say

He's dead. Good!


Blogger Roy said...

I heard a great quote yesterday on an NPR podcast, attributed to Clarence Darrow which went something like, I have never wished a man dead, but I have read many an obituary notice with great satisfaction.

I have already heard a couple of people struggling with the seminal thoughts that must be a precursor to many a conspiracy theory, that go something like this: 1.) I don't know all the facts. 2.) I will fill in the gaps based on what seems like the most fun. 3.) Ergo: they really didn't find and kill him, otherwise they would have strapped him to a pole on a horse drawn wagon and paraded him through New York City. He is really safe in a cave (which is cleverly outfitted with 220V outlets and a dialysis machine, since they are so technologically advanced,) or possibly on a UFO, or in the center of the Earth, or on an Island off of Crete with JFK and Elvis.

But, yeah. Good.

6:42 AM  

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